We publish the january and febraury 2023 newspaper “EL SOLIDIARIO” carried out by the Communications group of ACOES HONDURAS Europea where our daily activities are shown.
CLICK HERE to download the newspaper.
o download the newspaper.
We publish the january and febraury 2023 newspaper “EL SOLIDIARIO” carried out by the Communications group of ACOES HONDURAS Europea where our daily activities are shown.
CLICK HERE to download the newspaper.
o download the newspaper.
Licitación Pública Nacional para: «Adquisición de material escolar para 7,888 niños y jóvenes beneficiarios de los programas de la Escuela Santa Clara y anexos, Casas de Estudiantes, Programa entrega de…
We publish the august and september 2022 newspaper “EL SOLIDIARIO” carried out by the Communications group of ACOES HONDURAS Europea where our daily activities are shown. CLICK HERE to download the newspaper.
Unos 200 jóvenes se reunieron para recibir la visita del Cardenal de Tegucigalpa, Óscar Madariaga, y del embajador de España en Honduras, Diego Nuño García. Comenzó la visita con unas…